Sunday, 29 July 2018
I Get By With A Little Help From My Friends....
It's a cheese fest of a song and a massive cliche, but it's these things because it's true. Friendship is an important part of every person's life because we need people around us that we can rely on. Whether this be someone we can go out drinking with, someone we can spill our secrets with or someone we're happy to sit in our pj's with whilst we gorge on pizza and binge watch the latest box set. Our friendships should be celebrated and International Friendship Day is of course the perfect time! As a collective, myself and some of y lovely fellow bloggers were asked about our friendships, the things that make them important and what they mean to us, here's what I had to say.....
What does friendship mean to you and how important is friendship to your personal happiness?
Friendship to me goes a lot deeper than the normal hanging out or joint common interests. The friendships I've built over the years are closer to a family unit than just being a friend. I can go weeks sometimes without seeing my best friends but when we do finally catch up, nothing has ever changed. We understand that life gets busy sometimes but we never judge one another. When I was going through my recent break up, my best girl friend dropped her entire life to help me move out of my apartment. I couldn't have got through the day without her and she knew exactly what to do to ensure I stayed strong. Then when the moving task was over, she let me fall apart and cry; then she knew how to put me back together again. When she was made redundant from her job, I did the exact same for her and got her back on her feet and ready to fight a new day.
These are things you'd do without any repayment, because it's not necessary. Friends understand you, know what's important to you. I need my friends as much as I need my family.
My friendship circle is quite small but varied. A mix of people of all ages, married, single, male and female. Most are older than me and with that they bring a wealth of knowledge and help me to negotiate through life. The few girlfriends I have of my own age are all going through the same trials and tribulations as me; and it helps to remind me that I'm not on my own in all this.
My friends are my backbone, the people I call with good news and bad. Who I want to share my life wins with. They make me complete and I'm grateful each day for what they bring to my life.
What is your favourite social activity to do with your friends?
Making plans with friends is so important. The older we all get though, the less important it seems to plan the wild night's out and the epic adventures. I think we're all now happiest sat around the dinner table with good food, plenty to drink and conversation as varied as the next prime minister to what the best ice cream flavour is. We sort each others problems, talk about work, relationship dilemmas, family ties and everything in between. I think more than the activity, it's just being present in each other lives and reminding each other that we matter and whatever is going on, we care.
What are the 3 top qualities you want in a friend?
Honesty, compassion and laughter.
A friend to me is someone who you can be completely yourself around. Someone who won't judge you when you make a mistake and who can laugh with you over the small things and the big things.
I know my friends are true, as I'm not afraid to tell them when I've done something wrong. There are times in life, you end up doing things that you're not entirely proud of. If you can then tell someone about this and they don't judge you for it, but advise you about how to deal with the consequences, you know that you've got a real friend. Along the same lines, if you can ask the question, 'Does my bum look big in this?' and you not only get an honest answer, but a better option on said outfit, right there is someone you need in your life.
I can talk to my friends about anything, and I know that the advice I receive will be true and what they feel is best for me. They know me better than I know myself and can second guess my actions quicker than I can. They know when I'm stressed, they know how to support me and they know that after it all, we can sit and laugh about it.
Do you have a message for one (or all) of your friends?
There's probably a thousand things I should say to each and everyone of my friends, but I think the most simplest answer to this is Thank You. Thank you for being there, thank you for putting up with me and my ever present dramas. Thank you for everything you do and for everything you are. You've no idea what you mean to me and how you keep my world turning. Forever indebted and forever grateful for the love you bring.
About me:
Clare Barnes, writer of The Normal Girl's Guide To Life
'A place for day to day musings, trials, tribulations and triumphs as we try to negotiate our way through the bonkers world that is modern day life.'
Thursday, 26 July 2018
How Do You Date?
So, here's a question.... How do you date?
It seems like a really dumb question from a woman in her early 30's, but it's something that has me stumped. I've been single a couple of months now and as much as I'm not entirely over my last relationship I know it's something I'm going to have to do. Nobody wants to be on their own permanently do they?
Most of my friends are coupled up, married and have children. I've never got that far with anyone until my ex. (We're not talking about him today)
So, my last few single friends aren't leaving things up to chance meetings anymore, it's all about the online thing.
I think there's still a stigma attached to online dating. Something that seems a little sad or desperate. But in a world where everyone works a million hours a week and is still trying to achieve the perfect body, friendships and lifestyle, when does anyone have time to meet someone the normal way anymore??
I did go on a date a few weeks ago. Set up by a friend of mine. The guy was a sweetheart but I had one drink, made my excuses and left.... only to cry all the way home. Far too soon after said break up. But now I'm seriously considering trying to 'Get Back Out There' as my friends so lovingly put it.
I am missing the attention early dating brings, the cute, unexpected texts and basically feeling like someone likes or fancies me. The break up has really dented my confidence in myself and my self esteem is pretty low too.
Now, I'm not daft here, I know that throwing myself into something full on is not the right thing to do; it won't heal my heart or the hurt from what's been happening. But, surly it will be a fun distraction and a little male attention can't hurt can it?
But how do I go about it? I'm one of those people who's unlikely to approach someone in a bar or supermarket. I rarely go anywhere it's appropriate to flirt with the opposite sex and to be fair, my resting bitch face is strong, so I don't think it's likely that I'll be approached either.
So, does that really just leave the online dating apps that said friends have been raving about?
I tried online dating a long time ago and didn't last that long. I got put off with the vulgar messages and the dull one-liners. I lasted about a week before I deleted my profile and carried on waiting for Mr Right to appear all by himself. Apparently though, I'd been doing things wrong. There's a block button.... who knew? Your profile needs to include things you're looking for and what you're not and the photos need to be just right! It seems a bit complicated to me, but I am seriously considering taking the plunge once more if only to see what's out there.
I am a little nervous about all this. There's a little bit of guilt I carry that it still feels like I'm cheating on my ex; even though there's not a chance we'll be reuniting. And like I've already said, my confidence isn't what it was. What if I don't get any 'hits'.... is that even the right word? Or what if the only people that take an interest resemble a potato? I'm not sure that's going to do my self esteem many favours either.
My friend, who has now appointed Herself as my online dating fairy godmother, has of course dismissed all these fears with a wave of her wand and her serious WTF face. She has reliably informed me that Of Course people will be interested plus talking online means you can get a feel for someone before meeting them for the first time. It's a little like blogging, the anonymity of being behind a keyboard gives you more courage to talk or ask about the things you want to know without the fear of judgement.
So, the question remains girls, do I take the plunge and dip my toe into the murky waters of online love? Or do I leave it all up to chance? Any advice you want to throw my way is of course welcome. Give me your tips about profiles, the best sites or if you think I should steer well clear!
I'll keep you all posted of any developments.
Love CB x
Today's Quote: 'If you don't try, you'll never know.'
Monday, 23 July 2018
Who lives in a house like this?
Well, the short answer to that question, is I do.....
Not that you'd know it. The house I'm living in right now is a rented place my friend sorted for me as I had to move from the apartment I shared with the ex; and after a few weeks of living with my parents, I realised it was one hell of a step backwards.
I need my own space. A place to be me, a place to write, to watch TV, to sleep and when I first moved in, I needed a place to cry without the fear of being overheard. I'm much stronger most days now, so the tears are fewer, but you get my drift don't you.
This week I'm having a house warming party to try and start to feel at home or at least more settled here. It's quite a bland house, the wall are magnolia and I've very little furniture or personal belongings to make it feel my own. I still don't know where everything is, which was mighty evident when I couldn't fine the light switch, so ended up tripping over the mass of not needed, but very much wanted shopping bags I'd left in the hall, and was left in a heap on the floor.
I'm not entirely sure why I decided a house warming party was a good idea. I don't particularly like people being in my personal space and I certainly don't like feeling crowded. There's also no polite way of telling people to leave either, when you've just had enough. My ex and I were actually planning an epic housewarming party when we got our new house, we wanted everyone we cared about under one roof, celebrating our new home with us. Maybe, it was a little of me wanting to recreate this buzz of excitement when I sent out the invites. But I think more than that, its a need to feel surrounded by people. This isn't a normal feeling for me, but this house just feels so empty. There's no life in it and no memories for me. I think I'm hoping it will make the start of something, either my new life, or at least a calmness that I'm missing right now.
I lived alone quite happily before my ex. I was quite content in my little place and it felt secure. It was mine and only those I felt closest too were allowed to cross the front door. It felt right at the time to sell up and move in with my ex. It all happened very quickly and most of the furniture was sold along with everything else. I think this is why it's taking so long to settle here, as there isn't much familiar; even my bed and couches are brand new.
I think deep down I'm craving a need to feel normal. So much has changed in my life the last few weeks and nothing, even going to work, feels right anymore. I think I'm hoping that to bring everyone together might re-ignite something in me.
To have the people around me that were there before my ex and remind myself they're still there now and close by. These are the people I celebrated my 30th birthday with. That I work each day with. That I hold dear. The house isn't really mine, but it does need warming. I want a stain on the carpet where someone split their red wine. I want to see piles of beer and gin bottles the next morning because people had a jolly good time. I want a stinking hangover, because for once I can let my hair down without a worry that I'm being judged by someone. It's about what I need now and I'm super grateful that my friends and loved ones are here to help with that. They know that I need them to be there right now and they're stepping up like they always do.
I don't suppose it's got anything at all to do with the house. I couldn't really care less. It's not my dream home, it's just somewhere I'm staying with the nosiest neighbours going. This is where I am at the present time and for the time being, it's where I'm staying. But more importantly, I'm here surviving each day. And I think it's that that needs the celebration.
I'll let you know how it goes
Love CB xx
Today's Quote: 'Be honest with yourself and do what feels right to you. You are only responsible to live your own life authentically. No one else's.'
Friday, 20 July 2018
Honest Blogging
So, this wasn't my planned post for today. I'd started a post on Wednesday, basically saying how much I was struggling with life. I have a very hectic life; busy with work, my new blogging world and friends, family and all the usual stuff we have to juggle. Plus I'd been having a few emotional days where I was seriously missing my ex. This meant that I was hugely down in the dumps and was writing all about it.
However, I've woken up this morning and I'm feeling a bit better. Yes, I've still got deadlines coming out of my ears and my family want a piece of me. If you even mention the ex's name I still want to throw up. BUT, I don't feel like I'm sinking anymore. I'm feeling lighter and like, maybe, just maybe, things are going to be OK. Not overnight, but soon perhaps.
And this thought brings me back to today's post. The original was fully written and ready to go. But it just didn't feel right, as that's now not what I'm feeling. Having read it back, it kind of sounds quite dramatic, and a few days ago, that's exactly how I felt. But to put it out today kind of seems wrong. Like false advertising or something.
When I signed up to do this Blog thing, it was meant to be an honest account of how my life is. If that post had gone out 2 days ago, it would have been true, but not today. Today I feel like I can breathe properly for the first time in about 13 days. Things still aren't perfect, I know that and without wanting to sound like a break up bore the ex is on my mind; more so today, as today marks the start of the summer holidays here. The kids break up for six long weeks and as he was a teacher we also had six long weeks of adventures ahead of us. Those things obviously wont happen now and I do sometimes think it's the broken plan's you've made together that are the hardest to get over.
Planning different posts and the editor having an input is quite hard sometimes, as I really wanted this blog to be an escape for me. But I have a feeling that it's likely to end up having more of a diary feel to it. There's no point in ignoring the fact that I'm dealing with a huge break up in my life and I've no intention of pretending my life is completely perfect. Yes, I'm exceptionally lucky with a lot of things. But I want this to be an honest account of me and my life not some sugar coated conception that Mrs Editor has dreamed up.... Sorry Hun!
My social media accounts are all super honest already. If you follow me on Instagram, you'll see more of my day to day life. And the amount I actually shop.... it's wrong on many levels, but sometimes I just can't help myself.
So, this is basically me telling you all that, well, if I'm happy you'll get to hear about it. If I'm sad, you'll get to hear about it and if I've bought the most amazing pair of shoes you'll Definitely get to hear about it! I'd like you to get to know the real me and hopefully, in time I can get to know the real you too.
I hope that's OK.
Love CB xx
Today's Quote: 'To be true to yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.'
Wednesday, 18 July 2018
My Beauty Life Savers
What makes me, well, less of a troll...... Basically my first beauty post.
I believe in female empowerment and being true to yourself. I'm also big on making a good first impression. I also believe you should do what you can to make yourself feel confident enough to face each day. That''s why we spend thousands of pounds each year on beauty and make up brands, because we'e all looking to be the best us we can be. Now, there will be plenty of girls out there that say, we don't have to coat ourselves in all this muck to gain respect or feel good about ourselves; and we know that of course. But, it helps and if it's what we as girls wish to do, then it's all good in my book.
I wanted to let you in on the things that keep me looking and feeling human each day. Now, we all have our favourite products and go to brands, but these are the things I use without fail and you'd have to bribe me to stop using them. No affiliated links in here or sponsored items. So, you can be assured, each item has been tried and tested to the point where they're actually nearly empty!!
I make a pretty good living nowadays, but I haven't always, so price point has always been a factor for me. If something does the same job but costs less, I'm there! Like I said, most of these products I've used for a long time, so I'm just putting them out there.
1. Astral moisturiser: starting off with the item I've used for the longest. Astral moisturiser is my go to daily choice. In fact I've used it since I was 14. It's never changed its formula and my skin hasn't changed in years either. I'm in my early 30's without any wrinkles, so it's obviously doing something right. It's super cheap too! A friend of mine is a well known mua, who gets paid to plug all the new lotions & potions, actually secretly swears by this over the designer things she's paid to promote.
2. Garnier SkinActive Moisture Bomb Tissue Masks: I've been using these since last October and I tend to use one a week as a bit of a treat. I'm a sunbed user, wear a lot of make up daily and I swim; so these give my skin some extra hydration and a bit of a boost when I'm tired and my eyes are baggy. They do feel slimy when you take them out of the packet, so be prepared. I also leave them on longer than stated on the packet, but I don't suffer with sensitive skin, so I never really worry.
3. The Fox Tan: the newest product I've been using and mainly because I wanted to know what all the hype was about. For the last few years, I've been a spray/fake tan user. But I've such a lack of time and I'm fed up of smelling like biscuits. We're also having the greatest summer weather wise and I really want a true tan. So, because I spend most of my waking hours inside, I've switched back to the sun beds. (Yes, I know all the risks.... please don't lecture me) I'd seen The Fox Tan on social media, and looked at the results, so I thought i'd give it a go. It's given me a great tan in a few sessions on the sunbed and I'll be taking it away with me abroad later this year. There's two parts, and exlixor that you use 5 days prior to sun exposure and an accelerator that you use each time you go out in the sun. to be honest I used both from day one. My skin is moisturised so much so i don't bother with another body moisturiser each day and my an is looking great. It's definitely a keep in the draw product for me.
4. Frizz Ease: I have the most wild curly hair known to man. I actually love it as I don't tend to need to touch it most days. I shake it when i get out of bed and I'm done. The ease of this does not include washing it! I want to earn enough money that i never have to wash my own hair again... real life goal right there!
This is where frizz ease by John Frieda comes in. My god mother introduced me to the brand in my teens and I've still not found anything that matches up. I use the extra strength serum each wash, with the dream curls spray, which I may use occasionally on dry hair too if it needs it. These are my go to products, but I've also used touch up creams, shampoos and conditioner too; and not found a product I wouldn't use again.
5. Tangle Teezer: as I said above, my hair can be a bit of a nightmare. It's always been a struggle to get through it with a comb or brush and I do worry about breakage. Enter this little wonder! It just gets through my hair, no pulling, no breakage no stress. I don't know what I'd do without it now, hence the fact I own 4 of them!
6. Collection Primed & Ready Every girl needs a primer and I've used a few. Smashbox used to be a firm favourite but I was given one by Collection a while ago and found it to be just as good. It leaves my skin really smooth and velvety ready for the onslaught of makeup; plus at under a fiver its a certain bargain. Same goes for their setting spray. Ive used Mac's religiously for goodness knows how long, but this does the exact same job, in fact, don't quote me on it, but I think it's better!
7. L' Oreal Paris Infallible Total Cover Foundation: A great foundation as you can build the coverage you want and a little goes a long way. I've been a fan of powdered mineral foundations for years, but my usual one has been discontinued and there seems to be less companies making them now. So i went out of a limb and decided to give this ago. I'm super happy I did as it's just right for me. It covers what I'm unhappy with and yet, lets my skin still feel like it's no caked in foundation. I go thicker if i need too and it doesn't go streaky if I wear it in the gym. It's about £10 a tube, but lasts for ages too.
8. Younique Moodstruck Epic Mascara: GOT TO BE TRIED TO BE BELIEVED!! Ok, so we've all got a friend or acquaintance that seems to be plugging Younique makeup. You know that they post a few times a day and rave about the product. I was totally sceptical until a friend of mine sent me this mascara as a freebie. Blown away. I used an Avon mascara for 10 years as it was the only thing I ever fond that would lengthen And thicken without being a clumpy mess.... enter this bad boy and my mascara dreams have come true! Honestly, if you only ever try one item from this brand, let it be this mascara, I promise you wont regret it. I'm on my 5th one now, and yes, I've had to pay for the rest!!
9. Estée Lauder lip glosses: If you're in need of a pop of colour, this is where I turn to. Estee Lauder do great lip glosses with intensive colour, that last. What more do us girls want from a gloss?
10. St Tropez Instant Tan: Ok, so I know I said that I was fed up with fake tanning, but this is a dressing table draw must have. It's instant, ready to go in 2 minutes flat and doesn't come off on your clothes even if you get a bit warm. It also doesn't smell. I keep it for when I need that extra boost, especially on my legs, as they never seem to tan the same as everywhere else.... why??
So ladies, there's my top ten must haves.... let me hear about yours!
Today's Quote: 'People will Stare. Make it worth their while
Much Love CB xx
Sunday, 15 July 2018
Finding A New Normal
Subtitle: What do you do when your life turns Upside Down??
When life pulls the rug from under you and suddenly you have to deal with so much change, how do you cope?
I'm kind of classing this as my first real blog post. I've done the introduction stuff, so now you can learn more about the real me & my life.
So, we're starting today with a truly honest post that's basically me telling you what's going on in my head right now. Hopefully it makes you go, 'been there.' You might even have some advice to give, comments always welcome.
I was never really one to make long term plans. Plans go wrong and I didn't like the disappointment. So, until I met my ex, I just lived in the moment and enjoyed the spontaneity. My ex, however, was a planner. And because I loved every bone of him, we planned everything. My life was mapped out for the next 5 years and I was OK with that. But then, out of nowhere, we spilt up. (I'll give you the full story on my break up in a future post, when I'm less likely to cry writing it.)
But, what do you do when life as you know it gets blown apart?? Revert to the life you had before?? Or try and build something new?? Each day seems to be a reminder of what we're missing. Because plans were made! I'm still kind of cross about this, as it's all been out of my control and I'm just riding the roller coaster of emotions while trying to keep my head in place and my emotions in check.
So, due to the break up, I've had to move house, buy a whole lot of new crap because I had nothing but clothes and shoes to my name and figure out, what exactly I'm supposed to do with my free time now I've no boyfriend and plans to fill it.
I'm not trying to sound dramatic or drum up sympathy, I'm just asking the question. My life before the ex was filled with friends, a hell of a lot of work, family and dates. Is it possible to go back? I kind of feel like a different person than that girl, a little lost in this post break up bafflement I suppose. The general advice is that it takes time, but I don't really want it to take time *stamps feet* I want to be fine now. The other piece of wisdom is to keep busy. but once again, I've always been busy. I had to make time to ensure my relationship stayed healthy and I made sacrifices to put my ex first.
I really don't want this to turn into a moan fest, so here's what 'practical' solutions I've come up with until I figure out the actual answer to the predicament:
* Exercise: this is the thing that just clears my head. I've had trouble sleeping, so it also tires me out so I can sleep for an hour or two more. I've had the benefit of the heart break diet helping me lose over a stone and a half so far, so there's a silver lining in there! Exercise also helps fill in the free time and the early morning time when I tend to stew over everything that's happening.
* Girls Nights: I cant actually remember the last time pre-break up that I had a girly night out. Sure, we'd do plenty of couples nights and I'd meet friends for lunch or dinner, but true girls nights, with cocktails, fizz and a dirty pizza on the way home; they'd been missing from my schedule. But now they're back and I'm enjoying letting my hair down, plus reconnecting with my friends has been a great blessing. The hangovers, not so much!
* Shop: When life gets you down, a new pair of heels will lift you up! I've bought some great stuff recently and even fleetingly, its lifted my spirits. I've also planned shopping days with my mum and friends too. so win win.
* Write A Blog: kind of drastic and not for everyone, but it's great to fill my time, put my thoughts in order and try to make sense of everything. My editor has been wanting me to write an online diary for so long and I've always used the excuse of lack of time. Well, that's out of the window now. I'm also hoping it will allow me to connect with you lovely readers and we can talk sense or complete nonsense to each other in this magical online world of anonymity.
The rest of the time I'm just allowing myself to feel whatever it is I'm feeling. If that's a happy day when I'm winning at life, then I'm all in. If I'm having an 'Oh I miss him' moment with tears, then so be it. What I'm trying to get at, is that whatever seems normal to you is what is right. When life turns shit you've just got to put your big girls pants on and deal. I'm learning it's OK to still be upset weeks later. it's OK to miss him. It's even OK to be happy some days. As you've probably gathered from my rambling, I haven't discovered a proper answer to the question yet. I've just realised there's no right or wrong and there's no time frame to feeling better. Be You, I'm going to Be Me and hopefully we''ll see that there was a reason why all this happened in the end.
Today's Quote: 'My darling girl, when are you going to realise that being normal is not necessarily a virtue? It rather denotes a lack of courage.'
Much Love CB x
Friday, 13 July 2018
Hello There!
Now you've found me, I think I better tell you a little about myself & lets hope we can be friends!
I'm in my early thirties, northern, recently single with a bonkers family and a small circle of incredible friends. My life has been turned upside down recently, so I'm doing my best to find some normality.
I started writing as a bit of fun alongside my day job, but it soon turned into something extra & I started writing a few pieces for industry magazines. Now I'm lucky enough to earn a small part of my living through putting my thoughts into words.
My writing style is chatty, honest, open, with a tendency to over share. So I apologise for any cringey, toe curling future posts. I'm only human!
I'm super honest, which gets me into trouble. I wear my heart on my sleeve and I'm the most impulsive person I know. This has been an asset in my career as these intuitive leaps (makes it sound like I've given things some thought *I haven't) have all paid off. Unfortunately, the impulsive nature in other parts of my life has burned my fingers & heart a few times.
I love to travel, explore new places & I'll happily learn new things if I can. I love a good view and will stand & snap away with my camera.
My life motto is it's nice to be nice. Why would you want to be anything but?? Life's hard enough as it is, right?? I love a bit of PMA (that's positive mental attitude for those now pulling this face
I'm into fitness, but mainly as I've inherited the fat gene. I've struggled with my weight from birth & have swung from overweight to eating disorder skinny. I'm striving for the perfect body, which I'm starting to learn just means being happy in my own skin. I'm slowing realising there needs to be a balance between eating the pizza and wanting to fit into my jeans.
I live for a new item in my wardrobe & shopping is true therapy for me. I shop more than I should but the high street is a friend to me!
My makeup bag is my biggest life saver and I wouldn't dream of leaving the house without my mask. I trained as a MUA as something extra to do when I was younger, way before it was fashionable and everyone learned about contouring. I have a few beauty secrets I'm willing to share and hero products I can't live without. But I'll try most things if it promises perfection.
I'm normal.....Well, as normal as anyone is. I work hard, pursue my dreams and try really hard not to piss anyone off!
Welcome to my world..... Lets begin!!
find me on Instagram @clarebarnes89 & twitter @NormalGuide
Today's quote: Don't change so people will like you. Be yourself and the right people will love the real you.
Love CB x
Thursday, 12 July 2018
Welcome To The Normal Girl's Guide To Life
Well, hello there and welcome to my brand new blog!
This will be a place for my day to day musing, my trials, tribulations & hopefully triumphs as I do my best to negotiate through the bonkers world that is modern day life for us girls!
I'm trying to juggle my career, alongside being a supportive friend & family member, keep fit and be healthy (read struggle with the weight & resist the temptation to order a dominos at every given opportunity) plus dress well, ensure my make up stays in place & don't even mention the dreaded dating scene. Basically, I'm living my best life..... Well, I'm trying!!
I'd love to hear from any of you, who might be going through any of the things I am, if you have any advice or just comments in general. I'll be giving you my take on products, places I've visited, workout tips, food and places to eat & probably my opinion on everything and anything that has peeked my interest. I'll more than likely be asking for help and recommendations too! So feel free to drop me a comment!
The Normal Girl's Guide To Life is for all of us who are just doing our best but could sometimes use an ear or even just an 'Oh My God' moment in the day. Read my stories, share your own and support one another as we try to live up to the world's & our own expectations.
Today's quote: 'Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life. Tip toe if you must, but take the step
Love CB x
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