Wednesday, 18 July 2018

My Beauty Life Savers

What makes me, well, less of a troll...... Basically my first beauty post.

I believe in female empowerment and being true to yourself. I'm also big on making a good first impression. I also believe you should do what you can to make yourself feel confident enough to face each day. That''s why we spend thousands of pounds each year on beauty and make up brands, because we'e all looking to be the best us we can be. Now, there will be plenty of girls out there that say, we don't have to coat ourselves in all this muck to gain respect or feel good about ourselves; and we know that of course. But, it helps and if it's what we as girls wish to do, then it's all good in my book. 

I wanted to let you in on the things that keep me looking and feeling human each day. Now, we all have our favourite products and go to brands, but these are the things I use without fail and you'd have to bribe me to stop using them. No affiliated links in here or sponsored items. So, you can be assured, each item has been tried and tested to the point where they're actually nearly empty!! 

I make a pretty good living nowadays, but I haven't always, so price point has always been a factor for me. If something does the same job but costs less, I'm there! Like I said, most of these products I've used for a long time, so I'm just putting them out there. 

1. Astral moisturiser: starting off with the item I've used for the longest. Astral moisturiser is my go to daily choice. In fact I've used it since I was 14. It's never changed its formula and my skin hasn't changed in years either. I'm in my early 30's without any wrinkles, so it's obviously doing something right. It's super cheap too! A friend of mine is a well known mua, who gets paid to plug all the new lotions & potions, actually secretly swears by this over the designer things she's paid to promote.

2. Garnier SkinActive Moisture Bomb Tissue Masks: I've been using these since last October and I tend to use one a week as a bit of a treat. I'm a sunbed user, wear a lot of make up daily and I swim; so these give my skin some extra hydration and a bit of a boost when I'm tired and my eyes are baggy. They do feel slimy when you take them out of the packet, so be prepared. I also leave them on longer than stated on the packet, but I don't suffer with sensitive skin, so I never really worry. 

3. The Fox Tan: the newest product I've been using and mainly because I wanted to know what all the hype was about. For the last few years, I've been a spray/fake tan user. But I've such a lack of time and I'm fed up of smelling like biscuits. We're also having the greatest summer weather wise and I really want a true tan. So, because I spend most of my waking hours inside, I've switched back to the sun beds. (Yes, I know all the risks.... please don't lecture me) I'd seen The Fox Tan on social media, and looked at the results, so I thought i'd give it a go. It's given me a great tan in a few sessions on the sunbed and I'll be taking it away with me abroad later this year. There's two parts, and exlixor that you use 5 days prior to sun exposure and an accelerator that you use each time you go out in the sun. to be honest I used both from day one. My skin is moisturised so much so i don't bother with another body moisturiser each day and my an is looking great. It's definitely a keep in the draw product for me. 

4. Frizz Ease: I have the most wild curly hair known to man. I actually love it as I don't tend to need to touch it most days. I shake it when i get out of bed and I'm done. The ease of this does not include washing it! I want to earn enough money that i never have to wash my own hair again... real life goal right there! 
This is where frizz ease by John Frieda comes in. My god mother introduced me to the brand in my teens and I've still not found anything that matches up. I use the extra strength serum each wash, with the dream curls spray, which I may use occasionally on dry hair too if it needs it. These are my go to products, but I've also used touch up creams, shampoos and conditioner too; and not found a product I wouldn't use again. 

5. Tangle Teezer: as I said above, my hair can be a bit of a nightmare. It's always been a struggle to get through it with a comb or brush and I do worry about breakage. Enter this little wonder! It just gets through my hair, no pulling, no breakage no stress. I don't know what I'd do without it now, hence the fact I own 4 of them!

6. Collection Primed & Ready Every girl needs a primer and I've used a few. Smashbox used to be a firm favourite but I was given one by Collection a while ago and found it to be just as good. It leaves my skin really smooth and velvety ready for the onslaught of makeup; plus at under a fiver its a certain bargain. Same goes for their setting spray. Ive used Mac's religiously for goodness knows how long, but this does the exact same job, in fact, don't quote me on it, but I think it's better!

7. L' Oreal Paris Infallible Total Cover Foundation: A great foundation as you can build the coverage you want and a little goes a long way. I've been a fan of powdered mineral foundations for years, but my usual one has been discontinued and there seems to be less companies making them now. So i went out of a limb and decided to give this ago. I'm super happy I did as it's just right for me. It covers what I'm unhappy with and yet, lets my skin still feel like it's no caked in foundation. I go thicker if i need too and it doesn't go streaky if I wear it in the gym. It's about £10 a tube, but lasts for ages too.

8. Younique Moodstruck Epic Mascara: GOT TO BE TRIED TO BE BELIEVED!! Ok, so we've all got a friend or acquaintance that seems to be plugging Younique makeup. You know that they post a few times a day and rave about the product. I was totally sceptical until a friend of mine sent me this mascara as a freebie. Blown away. I used an Avon mascara for 10 years as it was the only thing I ever fond that would lengthen And thicken without being a clumpy mess.... enter this bad boy and my mascara dreams have come true! Honestly, if you only ever try one item from this brand, let it be this mascara, I promise you wont regret it. I'm on my 5th one now, and yes, I've had to pay for the rest!!

9. Estée Lauder lip glosses: If you're in need of a pop of colour, this is where I turn to. Estee Lauder do great lip glosses with intensive colour, that last. What more do us girls want from a gloss?

. St Tropez Instant Tan: Ok, so I know I said that I was fed up with fake tanning, but this is a dressing table draw must have. It's instant, ready to go in 2 minutes flat and doesn't come off on your clothes even if you get a bit warm. It also doesn't smell. I keep it for when I need that extra boost, especially on my legs, as they never seem to tan the same as everywhere else.... why??

So ladies, there's my top ten must haves.... let me hear about yours!

Today's Quote: 'People will Stare. Make it worth their while

Much Love CB  xx

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