Sunday, 29 July 2018

I Get By With A Little Help From My Friends....

It's a cheese fest of a song and a massive cliche, but it's these things because it's true. Friendship is an important part of every person's life because we need people around us that we can rely on. Whether this be someone we can go out drinking with, someone we can spill our secrets with or someone we're happy to sit in our pj's with whilst we gorge on pizza and binge watch the latest box set. Our friendships should be celebrated and International Friendship Day is of course the perfect time! As a collective, myself and some of y lovely fellow bloggers were asked about our friendships, the things that make them important and what they mean to us, here's what I had to say.....

What does friendship mean to you and how important is friendship to your personal happiness?

Friendship to me goes a lot deeper than the normal hanging out or joint common interests. The friendships I've built over the years are closer to a family unit than just being a friend. I can go weeks sometimes without seeing my best friends but when we do finally catch up, nothing has ever changed. We understand that life gets busy sometimes but we never judge one another. When I was going through my recent break up, my best girl friend dropped her entire life to help me move out of my apartment. I couldn't have got through the day without her and she knew exactly what to do to ensure I stayed strong. Then when the moving task was over, she let me fall apart and cry; then she knew how to put me back together again.  When she was made redundant from her job, I did the exact same for her and got her back on her feet and ready to fight a new day. 
These are things you'd do without any repayment, because it's not necessary. Friends understand you, know what's important to you. I need my friends as much as I need my family. 

My friendship circle is quite small but varied. A mix of people of all ages, married, single, male and female. Most are older than me and with that they bring a wealth of knowledge and help me to negotiate through life. The few girlfriends I have of my own age are all going through the same trials and tribulations as me; and it helps to remind me that I'm not on my own in all this. 
My friends are my backbone, the people I call with good news and bad. Who I want to share my life wins with. They make me complete and I'm grateful each day for what they bring to my life.

What is your favourite social activity to do with your friends?

Making plans with friends is so important. The older we all get though, the less important it seems to plan the wild night's out and the epic adventures. I think we're all now happiest sat around the dinner table with good food, plenty to drink and conversation as varied as the next prime minister to what the best ice cream flavour is. We sort each others problems, talk about work, relationship dilemmas, family ties and everything in between. I think more than the activity, it's just being present in each other lives and reminding each other that we matter and whatever is going on, we care. 

What are the 3 top qualities you want in a friend?

Honesty, compassion and laughter.
A friend to me is someone who you can be completely yourself around. Someone who won't judge you when you make a mistake and who can laugh with you over the small things and the big things.
I know my friends are true, as I'm not afraid to tell them when I've done something wrong. There are times in life, you end up doing things that you're not entirely proud of. If you can then tell someone about this and they don't judge you for it, but advise you about how to deal with the consequences, you know that you've got a real friend. Along the same lines, if you can ask the question, 'Does my bum look big in this?' and you not only get an honest answer, but a better option on said outfit, right there is someone you need in your life.
I can talk to my friends about anything, and I know that the advice I receive will be true and what they feel is best for me. They know me better than I know myself and can second guess my actions quicker than I can. They know when I'm stressed, they know how to support me and they know that after it all, we can sit and laugh about it.

Do you have a message for one (or all) of your friends?

There's probably a thousand things I should say to each and everyone of my friends, but I think the most simplest answer to this is Thank You. Thank you for being there, thank you for putting up with me and my ever present dramas. Thank you for everything you do and for everything you are. You've no idea what you mean to me and how you keep my world turning. Forever indebted and forever grateful for the love you bring.

About me:

Clare Barnes, writer of The Normal Girl's Guide To Life

'A place for day to day musings, trials, tribulations and triumphs as we try to negotiate our way through the bonkers world that is modern day life.'



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